Rose Hip Tea - Weapon Against Colds In Autumn

 Rose hip is a naturalcleanerof the bodyanda mildlaxativebecause itcontains fruitacid. Shelikefruitis commonly usedformakingtea, syrup, jam, andalso can be eatenfresh becausethere is no occurrenceofside effectson the bodyand can beconsumedin unlimitedquantities.

  The contentofvitaminC in the rose hipis usefulforeveryone.Especiallyis recommended forwomenin the afterbirth period becausewhen VitaminCis converted intomilkworkswellfor thedevelopmentof the baby. VitaminC incombinationwithotherbeneficialingredientsinthe rose hipis easilyabsorbedin the gastrointestinalpart of the body.Rose hiphasalso diuretic actionsoit is usefulforpeople withrheumatism, kidneystonesandproblems withurination. Ithas alarge amountoffolicacidand vitaminsA andEandthemineralpotassiumisalso present.
Source:Willow haven outdoor

 This fruithasalso an antioxidantactionandhelpspreventharmful oxidationprocessestaking placeinthe body.If it isconsumedregularlycontributes tohealthylooking hair, skinandnails. Ithelps toa certainextentto the lackofironin the body. It is essentialfor thehealthystructureof the teeth, gumsandbones.

 Besides being rich in antioxidants , rose hip tea can improve your heart health , can revitalize your sex life , protect you from breast cancer and can prevent accumulation of excess weight. Rose hip tea remove fatigue,obscurity and other discomforts caused by lack of vitamin C . Tea from the flowers of the rose hip is used to treat hemorrhoids and diarrhea.
 The fruits are harvested  at the end of the summer and during the fall , and it should be harvested only hard fruits because overripe and young fruits contain less beneficial ingredients . When preparing recipes with rose hips if you need to boiling fruits , do not use aluminum pots because you will lose the vitamin C.

  The rose hip teais recommendedespeciallyin the autumn when the weatherischangingandcoldsarecommonbecauseitlowersthe temperatureeasily. This teahasthe bestandmost effectiveactionandthus strengthens theimmune system, as well asthe body.