10 Mistakes To Avoid When We Are On A Diet

You are on adietfor a longer time till now butarrowonthe weight scaledidnot move yet? Yourfavoriteclothesare still inthe closetbecausetheyarestilltoo narrow for you? You better checkbecause you may be unwittinglydoingoneof the followingerrorsandthussabotageyour diet...

Practicequickdietswith too smallcalorie intakeper day

 Ask yourself, doyou entertoo fewcalories, maybeevenlessthan 1000caloriesa day? If thisis the casecomes to reducingthe speed at whichmetabolismis working andtheendresultof your diet will be-yourmetabolismslower burnscaloriesandgetsyour bodyweightfast-much fasterthanbefore.

Skipping the breakfast 

 It mayseem likean easywaytocutthecalories, but the endresultcanbeunbearablehungerthroughout the day. Itcantempt youtohave a small bite throughout whole day or toeatan enormouslunch. The breakfastthatis richin proteinand fiberreduces thefeelingofhungerthroughout theday. Studies showthat people whoeat breakfastevery morningare more likelyto have slimand nice figure.

Do you take care about your snacks?

  You take neatly look at the main meals, but forget the food that comes between meals? Keep always in mind even the small of snacks and be careful of what kinds of food they are.

 Recklesseatingsnackscan be reason of failurewith the final result of your diet, whilecarefuleatingsnacksbetweenmealshavequitethe opposite effect-allows youto bettercopewiththe feeling ofhungerandstimulatesthemetabolismworking. Smart choice ofsnackfoodisfood richin protein, such asnuts(walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.).

Consumingfoodwith a lowpercentageoffat

This food is good for your diet, butdo not forgetthateven the fact that can have a lowpercentageoffatthis food canbe full with sugarandcalories. It is best first toreadthe coverto find what is thenutritionalvalue of the product.

Drink too many calories

 Often you ignore calories that enter into your body through various liquids: sugary drinks, alcoholic cocktails, coffees with different cute accessories etc.. Note that these drinks are full of calories and still not affect the feeling of satiety.

Doyou drinkenoughwater? Water is essentialwhen you wanttoburnexcesscalories. Ifyou arenot sufficientlyhydratedyourmetabolismworksmore slowly, and that meansslowerweight loss. Drinkat least6-8glasses ofwatera dayorsimpler-drinkwaterbefore andafter eachmeal.

Don’t measure theweighteveryday

 Resultsconfuseandfrustrateyouandcertainlynothave a positiveinfluence. Do not expectchangeseveryday. Set agoal -if you wanttolose weightof 1kga week, take the measure at the endofeachweek.With thatyou will reallyknowhow it's goingand when you seethatyou've lost1kg you willbemotivatedtocontinuewiththe samepace.

Don’t set unrealistic goals

  Set achievable goals. It is necessary for a successful end of the diet. Also you will have more desire to start dieting, and you will be more satisfied with the result. If you are unsure about your goal consult a nutritionist.

Do youavoidexercise?

  Find asportorexercisein whichyou enjoy. Thustheburdenofyourweight losswillnot fallon thediet only. Ifyou areactiveyou caneatmoreofyour favoritefoodsand stilllose weight.