2 Healthy Recepies From Your Kitchen

   Simple Drink For Melting The Weight From Honey And Cinnamon

Source:Honey Fanatic

  Do you have problems with overweight ? You do everything in your power to control your weight ? But still no results or they are minimal ? With today's more than a simple recipe , we offer assistance. See , it's easy , simple and very healthy , nothing you cannot lose , except weight ...
Ingredients :

Half a teaspoon of cinnamon

One big spoon of honey

Juice squeezed from a fresh lemon

300 ml. water

Preparation :

  Paste the water on fire until it begins to boil . Once the water boils remove it aside and let it cool until it is lukewarm . Did not add the ingredients in hot water because it will lose quality . Once the water becomes lukewarm add the cinnamon and honey and leave it to stand for 15/20 minutes. Before drinking add juice of one or half a lemon . Once it stands, 150 ml drink in the morning on an empty stomach , and the remaining 150 ml drink before bedtime . Practice this every day , experience has shown that it helps in the fight against excess weight.

   Recipe For Refreshing The Blood Picture

 The last time you went to medical examination the results of the blood analysis showed that your health is not at a satisfactory level . Simply immunity fall, increased fat , iron and hemoglobin below a satisfactory level. What to do ? Where to start? Here's a simple recipe to make a " refresher " on your blood ...

Ingredients :

1 kg - Beetroot
1 kg - Carrot
1 kg - Apples
4 Lemons
250 g - Honey

Preparation :

First shred finely all ingredients in a bowl.Add the squeezed juice from 4 lemons and stir.Allow the mixture to stand for 24 hours.After 24 hours , squeeze the mixture and strain it through a sterile gauze.Add the honey and stir until mixture unites together.
The liquid that you will get (about 2 liters ),place it in a glass bottle and store in refrigerator.Every morning sip a glass of brandy on an empty stomach.