Support for people with Cerebral Palsy - info from a blog reader

Good Afternoon, 

I just finished browsing through, and I noticed that you provide some great informative resources for those dealing with developmental disabilities and their families. 

A couple of years ago, one of my best friends gave birth to a child who has this condition, and supporting her through the process of learning about CP and creating the best possible life for him has shown me firsthand what families dealing with CP go through on a daily basis. 

Because of this, I appreciate you offering so many helpful resources to the public on this topic. I would love to recommend another resource for your site, The blog helps people whose children have been born with Cerebral Palsy understand their legal options. It also offers some great health and wellness information. 

I hope you are having a great week. Thank you again for offering so many helpful resources for those with CP and their families.