Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life

 Onlyhealth(physical,mentaland spiritual) can lead totrue happiness, and I willgive you someusefulhealthy tips thatcan help usin strengtheninghealthand prolonging life.

healthy runing

  Neverbe lazy. Takeat least15minutesforyoga andexercisesfor the stomach.Only dailyexercise canhelp you in ensuringhealth andlong life.Just15minutes a daywillsave you frommedicinesand otherdevices.Becalmandhappywhile exercising. It willgrant youhealth, beautyand long life.

  Breathedeeplyof fresh airfor at least20minutes in the morningand evening.

  Drinkcleanwater withoutfluorineorfilter thetap water. Bestisnatural, spring, notbottledwater.Leave thewaterin the sunfor several hoursin a glass and clear bottleto soaksolarenergy.Do not leaveat night.

  Sleepfrom 10 am until2o'clock in the morning-becausethen the bodyproduceshealinghormones.Followthe rhythmof the sun.

  Noexercise, no food! It shouldbecome yourlife motto!

  Eatslowlyand do not drinkwater duringthe meal.You canturn offthirst one hour aftereating, and it is bestto drinkbefore meals.

  Base the nutrition onfresh fruit, vegetables and eatmuesli.If you eat cookedvegetables,theneattwice as muchfresh fruit.

healthy eating

  Do not eatfried, too much boiled, hotand coldfood.

  Avoidindustrialfood, especially soupsorspicescontainingMonoSodiumGlutamate(whichis found in almostevery industrialfood), use sea salt andnatural oil.

  Avoiddietaryproducts containingartificialsweeteners.

  Avoidalcohol,coffee, gum, food or drinks fromcans.

  After eating, slowly moveback and forthwhilemassagingthe bellywith your hand. This willafforda gooddigestionand properworkingof the intestines.

  Be positive andalways keepsmiling,it willstimulatethe secretion ofhealing hormones, notthinkandtalkednegatively aboutyourselfor othersbecauseyour subconsciousfollowsyour thoughts.Behaveasa healthy person.

  Whenwe forgive,we get relieved fromhatredand angerthat affectthe secretion ofnegative hormonesthatdamageour health,with theforgiveness toothers –we helpourself.

  In particulartake care for your spiritual healthand tranquilitybecause itis veryimportantfora long, healthyand happy life.

healthy meditation

Recipefor gooddigestion:

1. Mix100g butter, honey, cocoa powder andtwo tablespoons offreshlysqueezedjuiceof aloe.
2.Placethe mixture in refrigerator fora while totighten.3.Rollthe mixture, andevery daybefore meals, cuta piece ofthesizeof aspoonandeatit.

  This isan effectiveprescription.On the one handAloestimulates the secretion ofgastricjuices andstimulatesdigestion, on the other handbutter andcocoaprotectthe stomach.