5 Steps To Lose Weight With Kefir

 “I've had periods in my life when I try different types of pills, weight loss programs and exercise. Some were good, some bad, and most really really bad, but what I am now, I would recommend to everyone without thinking. I regularly consume kefir. Since then my health has improved tremendously and weakening turned out to be a wonderful plus. But officially, to clarify it, drinking kefir helped me lose weight.”

Drink from Kefir
Almond Peach Kefir Smoothie

  This conversation with my dear friend that I had not seen her in a while intrigued me and made me do a deeper study of this I am free to call miraculous drink which you can read below. 
  To start I am sure my curious readers will have several questions like what is kefir? What are its health benefits? How itcan help with weightloss?

  Kefiroriginated in theCaucasus Mountains ofcenturies ago. The word "kefir" derives from the Turkish word "keif",which literallytranslates as "good feeling" after a cup!
  So what exactly is it?Kefir is a complex symbiosis ofmore than 30microflora, which form grainstructure of proteins, lipids and sugars.
  Kefir is a drink with acreamy and slightly bittertaste of yoghurt,which is in fact thefermented milkcontains calcium, protein, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins A, B2, B12,C andE. But the most important thing it containand that I think is very importantare enzymes and "probiotics" that relate to microbesthat are "beneficial for life."

  Probiotics arelive and cultivated bacteria that help clean theintestinal tract, strengthening the immunesystem and improve the overall balanceof health. Kefiris much healthier than your favorite yogurtbecause yogurthas only one or two types ofprobiotics, while casual drink from kefirhas 10 or more.  
 Probioticswill not only keep you healthy,but will also help youlose weight.

Kefir from Strawberry
Strawberry Milk Kefir

  While mostpeople think that if you reduceyour intake of milkdaily it can reduce your weight,a study conducted by the University of Tennessee  argues thatthe daily consumption of 3 to 4servings of dairyproducts can actually help youlose some weight. Kefiris a fermentedmilk with added calcium as one of his content.According to the survey, more calcium from foodhave inyour cells, the more fat is burnedthan stored and kept.

So the 5 stepsthat show you how toloseweight withkefir are...

First, switch to a healthy kefir dietwhich will not only reduceweight butalso will improve your health. Drinkkefir every morning for breakfast.Use kefir as yourregular milk and so you canmix some fruits -banana, peaches, mango or melon- withmilk from kefir to make a smoothie.

Second, when you make salad, create your own mixby simply buyingdry ingredients todecorate the salad, thenuse the kefirinstead of yourdaily milk.Consume healthysalad of kefirfor lunch and dinner.In other words, use kefirinstead of milkwhenever possible.

  How often should youeat kefir salad or anyfoods withkefir? And how from the drinkyou should consumedaily? Well, for sure you should not consult your doctor toknow how much you should drink kefirdaily, becausekefir isan organic healthydrink, not a dietary supplement for weight loss. This excludes nearlyall possible side effects.Just buykefir withlow-fat or fat-free.

orange kefir
Low Fat Orange Kefir

  There are different types of kefir that can be purchased at health food stores: plain kefir, fat-free, kefir from cow or goat milk and so on. You also can buy only kefir grains, so you can make your own power drink for home consumption or drink with your favorite fruit or taste. 
 There are two types of kefir grains, milk and water kefir grains. You can make healthy kefir drinks using water kefir grains, which are also called tibicos, California bees (called by many people) or Japanese water crystals.

Third,since kefiris really healthy drink, you still need to watch how many caloriesyou enter withkefir. When trying to reducesome weight usingany type of drink or nutritioussmoothie, you still needto watch thecalorie intake and regular exercise. Purchasethe correct type of kefir for the intendedpurpose, such as to loseweight. There are about 87calories in 3/4 cupof kefir. A glass kefirmay contain 110calories.

  You might also want to know how many carbohydrates are necessary with kefir. A serving of 240 grams should contain only about 12 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat.

  I know, counting calories is like a taboo for a normal person (like me), so I would like to paraphrase something that would sound normal... "Controlled serving." That's how you should know when it's enough to control yourself. Import and export of calories is obvious theory, but it acts on me (and for millions of other people in the world), so I do not regret it. 
  Apply HiiT (High-intensity interval training) an exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercisewith less-intense recovery periods. So we have cardio + a little weight lifting + diet –Perfect solution.

  The preparation ofwater kefiris alsoa healthy alternativeas a dietary supplementfor weight loss. Simply add waterkefir grains in a jaror pitcher. Place differentkinds of aromas and flavors thatyou want, such as lemon, pineapple orginger. If you want to sweetenthe mix, be careful how muchsugar you add. Usesoluble sugar, not honey. Never use honey becausehoney can damage waterkefir grains.

Healthy Water Kefir
Water Kefir Soda

  Smart Move is to drink milk kefir and water kefir interchangeably. Both have the same effects on health and weight loss, but with different tastes, textures and needs. Milk kefir is similar to yogurt, and water kefir is like baking (and it is almost as if the beer is brewed). 

  But how many caloriesthere are infact in a water kefir? There is no correct answer, because it depends on howthe grains are fermented. However, it is safe tosay thatthe caloriecontent is very low, almost no ormuch less than what is in the milkkefir.

 Fourth, for those reallyserious who want to lose weightor want to losea considerable amount of weight, replace one or twomeals a day with a glass of fruitsmoothie withkefir? If this is too much, turn cheese and breadfor breakfast,vegetables for lunch,fruit for snacks and smallpieces of cookedfish and vegetables for dinner.

Finally, probiotics foundin kefircan help you lose weight, reduce cholesterol, purify your inner eco-system and improves intestinalmovement. Loss of weight andhaving a nice body isprimarily an overall discipline. Be careful what you eat, reduce your alcohol intake, sleepis, avoid stress and exercise regularly.

healthy blueberry kefir
Blueberry Water Kefir

In addition, I will give you all Benefits of Kefir

- Produce of own antibiotics

- Eliminate "bad" bacteria

- Having rebalanced of intestinal flora and stomach acid

- Regulates metabolism by improving digestion

- Improves blood circulation and normal blood pressure

- Producing an anti-cancer compounds and prevent metastases

- Has antifungal properties to improve the treatment of various skin diseases

- Has a positive effect on the nervous system

- Reduces anxiety and depression

- Increases energy and elevates mood

- Studies have shown that milk, cultured 24 hours with live kefir grains can lower cholesterol up to 63%.

- Of 200 subjects with type 2 diabetes, heavy 85% of them have reached a normal glucose level after a month after drinking 3 cups kefir day.

- Many useful enzymes and bacteria in kefir helps in digestion of lactose.

Kefir is often called as "miracle milk" because of its optimal health benefits.