Three Extremely Healthy Herbs That You Must Start Consume Right Now

Sesame, The Best Plant That Protects Against Cancer & 
High Blood Pressure

  Sesame is an old plant that almost 5000 years is grown and used as food.

 Previously it was thought that there is no special healthy effect, but today, scientists increasingly refute this opinion.

sesame,healthy plant

  Sesame is an herb that grows up to 2 meters. The flowers of sesame can be colored differently, and seeds can be white, brown and black. People often use sesame as a spice because it gives a special and distinctive flavor to the food.

  In the last two decades, sesame oil and sesame made a real boom because they were made and cited a number of useful research on it. In addition, we present some of them.

Sesame against high blood pressure

  According to scientists the sesame oil is great for fighting high blood pressure, lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and reduces fat in the blood.

With sesame to a reduced risk of cancer

  According to recent research sesame has excellent elements fighting against the occurrence of malignant tissue and is efficient in fighting cancer on:

- Prostate

- Breast

- Lungs

- Pancreas

- Bones

With sesame to healthy skin

  Scientists have repeatedly stated that sesame has a significant amount of vitamin E, so the sesame oil is great against stretch marks and keeps the skin healthy and glowing.

Basil, TastyAndHealthyCure

  Forthousands ofyears, people are usingthe healing properties ofbasil. Besidesthe pleasanttaste, magical aromaandgood looks, which provides hima secure place inthe kitchen, basil(Ocimum basilicum)hascharacteristics for whichis recommended from doctorsandnutritionists.It is believedto have originatedin India, and itwas known to Egyptians5000yearsago.
  According to the writtendata, this plantwas brought in Europearoundthe 12thcenturybymonks. Aromaticbasilfromtime immemorialis usedforreligiousceremonies, as a spice, butalso asa greatallyin the recoveryofill health. Because ofthe beneficialingredientsare usedhis twigs, leaves andflowers.

  It is known also as “King OfThe Garden” andisrich inmedicinalingredientsandsubstancessuch asfiber, glycosides, essential oils, camphor, methylchavicol,mineralsalts, saponins, cineole.

basil,healthy spice

  Usedas a spice, basilgivestasteand improvesdigestion ofheavyfoodsandkeep her fromspoiling. Chefsrecommendit in additionto foodfrom potato, corn, cauliflowerandeggplant. InevitableinMediterranean cuisineforpreparingdressings, andisbestcombinedwithtomatoes.

  Healingproperties ofbasilparticularlyapparent inthe fightagainstacne, treatment ofanxiety, asthma, diseases of the bladderandurinarytract, liver, muscle pain, migraines, ulcers, abdominal pain, depression, diarrhea, eczema, menstrual problems, coldsand flu, circulation problems, various infections.
  Mostly is useda teafrom basil(do not leave leaveslong toremaininhotwater), butyou should notforgetbasiloilremindexpertsaseffectivein solvingproblemswith the skin.

  Basilis actingalso as a sedative, can reducepainanda goodagainst cramps.  Becausethe sedativeeffects it is notrecommendedfor pregnantwomenin the firsthalfof pregnancyor forbabies.

The PowerfulMaca

  Macaisa plantthat originated intheAndeanregionandgrowsto a heightof 2400to4400metersabove sea level. AncientIncawere used powder from the rootofthis plantbeforetheir long marchestoincreasethe resilience ofthe body.
  Because ofthe largebenefitstothe human body, Macaislocatedinthe categoryofsuper food.She isa naturaladaptogen,meaning thatitsconsumptionincreasesbodyenduranceandresistanceagainststress, anxiety, exhaustion.
The rootofMacacontainsalkaloids, amino acids, dietary fiber, essential fattyacids, microandmacro nutrients, vitaminC, B2, B3, B6, minerals likecalcium, iron, zinc, potassium-minded, manganese.

the powerfull maca

  MacacontainsuniquealkaloidsMacamides and Macaenes which can not be foundin any otherherb.Thosealkaloidshelps the bodyto useallthe nutrientsthat Maca contains.Healthybenefits of usingMacaare asbig asfor thewomenandmen.

  Macaimproves the functionof the endocrinesystemwhich isresponsible for the operationofhormones, and establisheshormonalbalancein the body.Shealso alleviatesmenstrualpain, contributes toa regular monthlycycle, relievessymptomsofmenopause(changeofmood, insomnia, heat waves, osteoporosis).

  Macastrengthens thelibidoandpotencyin men, helpswithinfertility(positiveaffectsperm productionand increases thevolumeofseed)forwhich some arecallednaturalviagra.Shepositivelyaffects theimmunesystem, improves the functionof the brain (improvesmemory and concentration), itslows downthe aging processofthe body, increasesenergy levels, positivelyaffect thehealthof the heartand bloodvessels, helps with anemia.

Extra: NaturalPrescription FromParsleyAndHoneyFor Healthy Heart

  The recipeismore than 800years old, and because successfullyhelps withheart problems, doctorsstillrecommendit.
  The recipecomes from thenunHildegard von Bingen, who lived 800 years ago, andto this dayis transferredfrom many famousdoctors.
  Thisnatural remedyforheartprovedto be successfulforheart disease. It is usedwhen youexperience anyproblemswiththe heart, such asstabbing, vibrations, skipping because ofstress. It is also useful and with people who have anginapectoris.
-10stalksfreshparsley(no root)
-A liter ofhomemaderedorwhitewine
-300grams of naturalhoney.

drink for healthy heart

  Preparation: Tenfreshstalksofparsleyalongwiththe leaves put intooneliter ofpure naturalwineandadd1-2tablespoonspurewinevinegar.
Cook10minutesover low heat(be careful, it can begin to foam). Afteraddition of300grams of realhoneybeecookover low heat foranother 4minutes.
  Strain the hotwineand while is stillhotputinbottles, previously washedwithstrongalcohol. Close. The precipitatethat formsis not harmfulandcan besafelyconsumed.
The drinkis useddaily, one tablespoonuntilthe symptomsstop. Formore serious illness needtobeused for a longer period of time.