Food That Will Make You Feel Sexy

 Apart the fact that will give you a nice and pleasant tickle on your gums, food can also inflame your sexual fantasy. Certain products act as an aphrodisiac and awaken sexual desire. To the women positively affect chocolate and coffee, and to the men positively affect peaches and eggs, while saffron, beef and watermelon can awake sexuality on both sexes.


Sexy Taste

 For many favorite sweet, contains an ingredient called phenylethylamine, which produces endorphins, the hormone of happiness. Scientists came to the conclusion that although most think that the desire for sex increases when you eat chocolate, it has nothing to do with it! In other words, chocolate sexual powers are in our heads, and it helps to secrete serotonin and endorphins that give rise to "a sense of happiness." 

Black coffee

  Breath which remains after the consumption of coffee is far from appealing, but this drink has some "sexy" features. Scientists have found that coffee stimulates sexual desire in women and stimulates the part of the brain that regulates arousal.
One warning: should not forget that coffee affects sleep and it is very important in what part of the day is consumed.


healthy eggs

  They are a source of L-arginine amino acid, which prevents erectile dysfunction. And you should not eat them just for breakfast. We advise you romantic dinner – with eggs!


tasty peaches

  The gentle texture, beautiful color and phenomenal smell make very attractive, but it is just some good features that peaches have. They contain a sufficient percentage of vitamin C which has a beneficial effect on male fertility. Greater consumption of peaches leads to greater production of sperm and prevents occurrence of immobile sperm. Frozen peaches have more vitamin C than fresh.



  This spice comes from the saffron flower and has a mild, delicate flavor. It is very popular in Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine. Saffron has acquired the reputation of aphrodisiac with reason, making it the one who consumed it an incredible lover. It is added in hot (not boiling) water for tea and left to act for 15 minutes. Goes great with cereals, seafood, soups and stews.


  Beef meat contains zinc and iron, it is full of protein and B vitamins. And there is something seductively - when you put beef on the grill and when you feel his smell. Many identify these with the foreplay that you eat it. The steak itself calls for sex, real seducer is for making love to the person who eats it. With it goes great vegetable that gives him a "healthier" look.



  Watermelon has an incredible rate of amino acid citrulline, which body needs it to produce another amino acid - arginine, which helps the vascular system. In males, it leads to a healthier erection and in women increases libido. Really looks very sexy having a refreshing slice of watermelon in the midst of a hot day.