Fruits As A Prevention Of Various Diseases

 It is knownthatconsumingfruitgroceriesevery dayimproveshuman health, butthe intake ofcertain fruitsin the bodycanbepreventionfrom various diseases

Bandedanddriedfruitsprotect againstcancer

  Bandedfruit, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, may reducethe riskof developingheart diseaseandisthe best preventionof cancer. TheirnaturalantioxidantshelpIn reducing inflammation inthe arteries.
  Bandedfruitsare rich ina typeofantioxidantof vitaminEcalledgamma-tocopherol, and his volume in the blood increasestwiceafterconsumingsuchfruit.
  Besidesgrainsanddriedfruitsthat are availableineveryseason, protect againstthe occurrence ofcancer. Driedfruitsbesidesthey arevaluablesourcesoffiber, vitaminsandminerals, alsorepresent asignificant supportin the fightagainstcancer, metabolicdiseasesand heartproblems

healthy dried fruits
Dried Fruits

  Driedfruit isan excellent sourceof solubleandinsolubledietaryfiber. Likefreshfruit, and driedhas a lowglycemicindex andplays an importantroleinpreventingvariousmetabolicdiseases.
  Certain typesoffruit, includingdried, containhigh levels ofa variety ofpolyphenols, becausetheyallhavepositiveeffectsonhealthcare.

  Althoughthe mechanismsare not yetknown, it is determined thatthe dried fruitscanpreventthe occurrenceofsometypes ofcancerorslow downthe spreadof cancer cellsanddestroyandsuppressinflammation.
  Besidesthe fact that dried fruitpreventsthe occurrenceofcancer, this fruitenhancesimmunityand helpsdigestion, preventsgum diseaseandcureinsomnia. Besides, it haslessfatandis rich incarbohydratesandvitamins
  Driedfruitkeepimmunitybecause it containsa lot ofantioxidants, vitamins, magnesiumandpotassium. Magnesiumcan be foundmostlyindriedapricots, andpotassium, which is veryimportantforgoodconcentrationindriedbananas. Driedfruitshould alwaysbe keptin a dry, cool and dark place.

Forestfruitprotectsthe brain

  There isscientificevidencethat eatingblueberries, blackberries, raspberriesandotherberrieshavebeneficial effectson the brain, and mayslow thememory lossassociatedwithaging

healthy blueberries
Forest Fruit

  Theirpositive influence, forestfruitsexercisein several ways:

Wealthofantioxidantsprevents damage ofbraincellscausedby freeradicals, help preventinflammationthat candamage cellsandimprovemotorandcognitivefunctionsof the brain.

Blueberries protect against flu 

Blueberry Lemonade

  Blueberry is the number one source of antioxidants and is definitely above all other fruits. Regular consumption of blueberries certainly gives strong protection against the flu. If you cannot find them in fresh condition, then consume it frozen.

Apricots protect the skin

  Dried apricots are rich in carotenoids, which reduce the risk of cancer of the throat, windpipe and lungs. Only five per day give you 36% of the required daily intake of vitamin A, which is important for skin health. 

Dried Apricots

Figs protect against protect against bowel cancer

  Ideally, fruitfor anemicandtiredpeople aredried figs, because they have largeamounts ofcopperandiron. Theyalso containtryptophan, whichis veryimportantforgood sleep. Goodfordigestion, butalso protect againstbowelcancer

healthy figs
Figs Juice

Raspberryprotects againstcardiovasculardisease

  Raspberryisa rich sourceofvitaminC, containsvitaminsBcomplex, vitaminE, andalmostallminerals(potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorusandiron)
 Raspberriesprotect againstcancer,cleanses the body, strengthenimmunity, help in downloadingblood sugar, protect againstdiseasesof the cardiovascularsystem, and consideringthatitisan excellent sourceof dietaryfiber, helpsinproper functioningof the intestines.

healthy raspberry

Finally, here'sanotherinterestinginformation:

Fruitsandvegetablesprotect againstcomputer

healthy fruits

  Ifyou spendhours andhours in front ofthe computer, you need toeatmorefruitsandvegetablesrichin carotene. Itis found inbananas, carrots, melons. The bananais a sourceofvitaminA andhassubstancesthatmay protect againstthe harmfuleffectsofthe computer screen. This typeimproves vision, slows the agingofskin, which comesfrom the harmfulultravioletrays. Most practicalare forwearingat workandhavemorecarotenethan pineappleandpears.