Why Is Important Combination Of Vitamin A And Vitamin E?

 VitaminA and vitamin E are the fat-soluble vitamins, which are necessary for good health. They have an important role as an antioxidant in preventing damage of cells by free radicals. Appropriate amounts of both vitamins are important for good eyesight, the proper function of the immune, skeletal, respiratory and reproductive systems, and connective tissue (skin, hair and nails).

Vitamin supplements


  VitaminsA andEare essentialforoptimalfunctioningof the immunesystem, healthyeyesandskin, and protect the entirebody. Also, theyare associatedwith thepreventionof manydiseases. Therapeuticbenefits are:

Preventionandtreatmentofcancer-VitaminsA andEare knownantioxidants thatcontribute toreducing therisk ofcancerof the gastrointestinal system, cervix, prostate, lungandbreast cancer. Asadjunctive therapyin the treatmentofcancerhave been shown that they inhibitthe growthofprostatetumorsand induceself-destructionofcancercells. It is believedthat highdosesofantioxidantscan increasethe effectivenessof radiationtherapy, and at the sametimecan protecthealthy cellsfrom damage.

Protectingthe immunesystem-VitaminsA andEstrengthenthe function of the immune system.

Stimulationofregeneration ofthe skinandmucous membrane-shortenthe time ofprolongedcoughafterrespiratory tract infections

Skincare-It is believed thatvitaminsA andEincreasetolerancetoUVrays. They alsoslowed theappearanceofwrinklesandspots on theskin. Also, theyare usedin the treatment ofwoundstohealthemfaster. Have a favorable effectonthe growthofhairandnails

skin care


Preventionofeye diseases-supplementtherapy with vitaminsA andEsignificantlyreducedthe risk ofcataractsandmaculardegeneration

Treatmentofliver diseases-VitaminsA andEcanprotect theliver fromdiseases.

Treatmentofdiabetes-vitaminsA andEcan helppatientswith diabetestoutilizeinsulinmore efficiently.Also, itis shown that they areeffectiveandforthe treatment ofdiabeticneuropathy

Fertility-VitaminsA andEimprovespermfunctionandreproductivesystemin general.

Deficiencyof vitaminsA andE

  Lackofthesevitaminsis more likelyto occurin peoplewhoaremalnourished, asalcoholics, the chronically ill,andthosewith impairedabsorptionoffatandsuffering fromtype 1diabetes, in whomthe diseaseis not wellcontrolled.

vitamin e food

Side Effects
  VitaminEis generallywelltoleratedandsideeffectsare rare. Butat some peoplewho have a deficiencyofvitaminK,vitaminEcan increasethe risk ofbleeding. An overdose ofvitaminE (536 mgover) can causenausea, diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, bleeding, high bloodpressureandfatigue.
  An overdose ofvitaminA cancausedrylipsandskin, paininbonesandjoints, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, blurred ordouble vision, confusion, irritabilityandfatigue. Symptomsare usuallyreversible, butwe shouldseek medical advice. It is particularlyimportant toavoidoverdoseduringpregnancybecauseit may cause miscarriageandfetal malformations. Patients with kidney disease are also at high risk for vitamin A toxicity and should not take vitamin A supplements without consulting their doctor.


 Vitamin A supplements should not be taken with other retinoid drugs because of the high risk of toxicity. A diet with low fat intake impairs absorption of all liposoluble fats, including vitamins A and E. 
 Mineral oils and antacids containing aluminum, as well as medication to lower cholesterol also inhibit absorption of vitamins A and E. Many substances are reducing stocks of these vitamins, including alcohol, barbiturates, caffeine, cortisone, tobacco etc.. 

vitamin E oil

  Surveys in children and pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia have shown that this condition is better treated with a combination of iron supplements along with supplements of vitamins A and E than just iron supplements, given that inorganic iron supplements has revoked effect of vitamin E. 
 Persons who are on anticoagulant or anticonvulsant therapy should consult a doctor before starting using vitamin E supplements.