Spirulina Super Food That Contains All Necessary Ingredients For Life


 Spirulinaoffersmany healthbenefits, some of whichincludeloweringcholesterol, enhance immunity, increase red bloodcells, providing anti-cancer propertiesandanti-inflammatory properties, protecting theliver, reducing toxicityin the kidneys, controlsbronchialasthmaand improvessupplyofantioxidants.

Presentation of Spirulina

  Spirulina is a blue - green algae with a perfect spiral shape. The spiral shape is why she got the name - spirulina. 

spirulina spiral shape

  Spirulina belongs to the type of cyanobacteria and is scientifically known as Arthrospira platensis. Other under types include spirulina Maxima and spirulina Geitleri.  
Overall, it can be found in alkaline lakes in Mexico and Africa. Spirulina is rich in nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential elements.

  Can survive in the roughest conditions, environmental, and chemical . It can survive extremely alkaline conditions, high saline water containing 30 to 270 grams of salt per liter.

History of Spirulina

  It is believed that Spirulina is a photosynthetic species which is old about 3.5 billion years. It is also speculated that such species are responsible for the release of oxygen in the atmosphere in the early stages of the Earth.

  This amazing food first emerged in the 1940’s in French Equatorial Africa.It grew on the surface of lakes and there was collected, dried in the sun and sold in local markets. Biologists concluded that the algae were grown and consumed.

  It is believedthatspirulinaGeitleriwasfoundinalkalinelakesinMexico andalsowasconsumedby thelocal population. Historicalworkshave shownthatit wasconsumedasfood, even duringtheSpanishconquestinthe15th century

Nutrientin Spirulina

  According to theNational Databaseofnutrientsforstandardreference,nutrientscanbe found in100grams ofspirulinainclude290energycalories, 57 gramsprotein, 7gramsfat, 24 gramscarbohydrates, 3 gramsdietaryfiberand3grams of sugar.  
 The mineralsandtrace elementsfound inSpirulinainclude120mgcalcium, 28mgiron, 195mg ofmagnesium, 118 mgphosphorus, potassium,1363mg, 1048mgsodiumand2mgzinc.

  VitaminsfoundinSpirulinaincludethiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folicacid, vitaminB6, C, A,E, andvitaminK.

spirulina nutritional value

  Spirulinais widely regardedas oneof the greatestsourcesof protein. Itcontains about18 of the22aminoacidsneeded by thehuman body. Itisalsoa goodsourceofvitalmicronutrientssuch asbeta-carotene withvitaminA andminerals likezinc, calcium, magnesium, ironandphosphorus.

Health benefits of Spirulina

Easily digestible: Extensive examination revealed that this spiral shaped blue - green algae had thinner cell walls and cellulose compared to its herbal counterparts. Also the cell wall is composed of mucopolysaccharides, which are complex sugars. Thus, even the cell wall in Spirulina can digest, unlike cellulose in plants. Spirulina is also useful for probiotic bacteria, such Laktobacilus (Lactobacillus), living in our digestive system.

Reduces cholesterol: Spirulina is useful in lowering serum cholesterol and raises "HDL " (high density lipoprotein) or "good " cholesterol levels . The presence of gamma - linolenic acid in spirulina accelerates the reduction of cholesterol in serum.

  Protection against mercury poisoning: Mercury poisoning is a concern for most animals, including humans. Inorganic mercury concentrations are found mainly in the kidneys, and they are also the most heavily affected organs. Studies have shown that spirulina significantly reduces levels of mercury chloride - related toxicity and kidney damage caused by toxicity in mice.

Immunomodulatory properties: Various studies on Spirulina discover its immunomodulatory properties. These immunomodulatory properties include reproduction of bone marrow, thymus and spleen growth, increased number of white blood cells, and an increase in the number of lymphocytes.

healthy properties of spirulina

  Increase in red blood cells: Besides improving the immune system, spirulina, can also be effective in improving red blood cells. A study of elderly people found that after 12 weeks of use of Spirulina, their number of red blood cells and hemoglobin increased significantly.

Antimicrobial properties: Spirulina extracts have antimicrobial properties. Extracts of Spirulina were successfully tested against viruses that affect both humans and monkeys. Viruses such as herpes simplex , influenza virus, measles virus, mumps virus, human cytomegalovirus and finally HIV - 1 viruses were extensively controlled. Now, extracts of Spirulina are considered as a cure for HIV - positive patients, so that they can live a longer life.

  Cancer Control: Spirulina is the richest vegetable source of beta - carotene and phycocyanin . These biochemical possess anti - carcinogenic properties. Researchers believe that phycocyanin can clean DNA -damaging toxins such as peroxynitrite and may help control cancer cells. Spirulina also has a significant role in controlling liver cancer.

Anti - inflammatory properties: Regular use of Spirulina reduces inflammation. Recent scientific studies indicate this fact. When arthritic mice were given extracts of spirulina, inflammation of arthritis was significantly reduced in comparison with other animals that were under control.

  Controlsbronchialasthma: Spirulinaisalsousefulforcontrolofbronchialasthma. Studies have shownthattaking1grama daycan havealmostthe same effectonbronchialasthmaasmedications. Thisistruein the case ofmild and moderateasthma


  Supplyingantioxidants: Spirulinais a goodsourceofantioxidants, such asphycocyanin, which helpsin theinhibitionofCOX2,hydroxyl, peroxylandfree radicals.