Healthy Diet Recipies For Lose Weight And Staying Young
Cocktail From Quail Eggs For Reducing Weight
Cocktail of healthy ingredients that is prepared in just 5 minutes and will help you cope with the extra pounds. Read more...
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Quail Eggs |
Five eggs of Japanese quail
Two teaspoons of honey
Two teaspoons of yeast
Yogurt with 1 % milk fat
A little cinnamon
Preparation is more than simple. All these ingredients mix in a glass of 200ml.
First add the eggs, honey and yeast, and finally add yogurt to fill the remains place in the glass and put a pinch of cinnamon. The ingredients should mix well until mixture becomes compact.
Drinkthis cocktail everyday as a replacement forbreakfast. Itcontains everythingyou needto give youenergy, strength andnutrientsuntilit came timeforlunch,andat the same timeit will helpyou toreduceexcessweight.
A simpledrinkthat helpskeeping youyouth
Organic prepared juices are definitely the best choice for a drink, wherever you are. You can manipulate with a variety of fruit and vegetable cocktails. They are filled with freshness, vitamins, health, energy and life.
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Organic Juices |
Here is a simple recipe how with a simple healthy drinkyou can up your energy and keep your youth without much worry that it might bring you some weight, because these drinks has very few calories.
All you need is three ingredients that are available everywhere:
Green tea (without accessories)
Cucumber is an essential element in low fat cocktails that promise rejuvenation. It is highly hydrating, keeps skin and muscle tissue, it keeps the complexion and offers really sensitive skin and young looks.
Celery from his side is a powerful weapon against free radicals, and a large reservoir of vitamins, which enables adequate food to the skin and energy and a healthy supply of nutrients to all cells in the body.
The wholenessof courseis mergedwiththe well-knowngreenteathatbindsthesetwoeffectivecomponents, andhimself is a very strong sourceofvitaminsandantioxidantsandrareingredientsagainstprematureagingofhuman cells.
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Healthy Green Juice |
Two fresh cucumbers without bark
4 stalks of celery
2 cups green tea
2 cups green tea
Preparation is very simple. In a juicer place cucumber and celery, add little water so the mixture does not come out very dense. Lastly add the green tea. Those well united components consume as soon as possible after preparation.