Healthy Alcoholic Drinks

Whatfirstly comes to your mindwhen you read"healthy alcoholic drinks"?   Yes,indeedthere aresomealcoholicdrinksthat canbe calledhealth, because they havecertainhealth benefits.
Of course, intake of alcoholshouldbein reasonable quantities, becauseour bodyisexperiencingalcoholasa poisonandtherefore is notableto handleitif too much alcoholis infused into thebody.



  Redwinecontainslargeamounts ofironandisrich inmagnesiumandpotassium, andalllistedingredientsare great forhealth. Itisrich inflavonoidsand helpsin reducing levels of badcholesterolin the body. This, in turn, preventsthe creationofbloodclotsand reducethe risk ofheart attack. Glass ofredwine(recommended daily intake) contains about100calories, which iscompletelyfine.


  Besidesthatperfectlycomplementsthe atmosphereofwatchinga football game, the beer has otherpositiveeffectson the humanbody.  Studies showthat beer, if consumedin moderation, is veryhealthy. It canprevent theoccurrenceofkidney stones, and at womenimprovesbone health. Smallormoderateamount ofbeerhelpsto reduce the riskof heart disease. Beer isalsorichwithantioxidantsthat helpsin theprocess of digestionoffood
Some ofthe health benefitsofbeer:

  Beer is moisturizing the body: In summer, the beer is the perfect way for hydrating our body. According to some scientist, beer can moisturize the human body better than water.

  Beer reduces cholesterol : Scientists have proven that hops, which gives the bitter taste to beer is a good source of polyphenols, substances that reduce the risk of cancer and strengthen the immune system.

  Beer protects against osteoporosis: According to researches, many of the beers contain enough material to keep bones healthy and retain their density and thus protect against osteoporosis.

  Other studies show that women who drink beer from time to time (up to 2 beers a day), have much higher bone density than those who stay away from beer.

  Beer reduces risk of cardiovascular disease: Beer has the capacity to protect you against cardiovascular diseases, if consumed moderately. Recent studies have shown that lovers of beer and other alcoholic beverages, have 40 to 60 % less likely to suffer a heart attack.

Guinness-The most famousrepresentativeof beers

  Ingredients: hops, malt 

   Despiteits density, this famousdrinkcontainsvery fewcalories: 128in3.5deciliters. Rich innutrientsbecause it ismade ​​fromfullgrainofcereals.Containsequalamountsof antioxidantsaswine. According toresearchat the University ofWisconsin, helps in reducingheart problems.



  Knownasa"healing" wine, and hedeserves thetitlebecause it isflavoreddrinkwithspicesandherbs. Cupvermouthcontainslessthan 70calories, andcan beusedincooking too. It is not recommendedto drinkvermouth every day, butfrom timeto time, since it canhavecertainside effects.



  Champagne is a rich source of vitamin "C" and has similar health benefits as white wine. Champagne is rich in antioxidants, which is great for overall health. One cup contains more than 100 calories, but is very healthy if you drink it moderately and from time to time. Many people like to drink champagne with orange juice. Such a cocktail is called Bellini and is rich in folic acid and vitamin "A", "B" and "C".

Vodka On The Rocks

  Ingredients: vodka, mineral water.

 This cocktail combines is the least harmful when it comes to weight. On average, the vodka contains less than 90 calories per serving of the standard dose. 
 However, the taste of this drink can be boring for many people.

Bloody Mary

  Ingredients: Vodka, Tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, celerysalt, blackpepper.   According tonutritionistMarenRobinson, this famouscocktailisthehealthiestdrinkyou candecide. Tomatoesare oneof the healthiestingredientsin the diet, especiallyin the preventionofvariouscancers. Celerylowers bloodpressure, preventsinsomniaandhelpswithdigestiveproblems.