Full With Energy Throughout The Day

You can not avoid everyday tasks, butat least youcan changesomethingabout yourselfand feel energized throughout theday. Inaddition wepresentsome tipsthat willbeof greatimportancein the implementationoffull-dayresponsibilities.

Regular breakfast        

Yourbreakfastshould includeprotein andcomplexcarbohydrates. It is bestin the morning todrink a cup ofyogurtand eat somefruit. Consumption ofsimplecarbohydratesquicklyraiseblood sugarlevels, whichafter a whilecausessharpdeclineandreductionofenergyandfatigue. Complexcarbohydratesaredigestedfor longer time andgive a feeling ofsatietythat lastsseveralhours.

Fruitfor snacks

When you feelyouarefiddling, just eatsome juicyfruit. Freshfruitis richinfructoseand after its consumption, the bodywill notreactwithsuddenraising and loweringofblood sugar, butwillraise the levelofenergyandyou will feel fresher.


Besideshealthyfoodthe bodyneedswater foritsrehydration. Occasionallydrinkinaglass ofwater. The requiredquantityof water throughoutthe dayis 2liters.

Sugar andcaffeinein smallamounts
If you experiencea lackofenergyandyoufeel drowsy, do notimmediatelydrinkcoffeeor eatchocolate. Sugarsandcaffeinewill raise the level of sugar justfor a short timeandyou feel theflowofenergy.Butright after thatsugarfallssharplyandyou will feelexhausted.

Do not starve
Tryduring the dayinstead of the usualthreetohave fivesmallermeals.Thusyourmetabolismwill constantlyworkingby not lettingyour energy levelsfallbelow the levelnecessaryto performeveryday tasks. Better toreplenishenergy withsmallermealsthat willcome toaccelerate themetabolismandthusthe bodywillnot storeexcessfood in fat.

Sleep enough

A healthyandvaried dietcan increaseenergybutcannotcompensate lackof sleep. Therefore, in addition to diet, you need tolook out forthe qualityofsleep.
Torestthe body andto regeneratebraincellsyou needtosleep7-8hourspernight. Sleepingduring the daycan notreplacenightsleep.