Graviola - Amazing Plant That Has Declared War On Cancer

  In recent months, the media have been awash with news of a powerful anti-carcinogenic effect of herb Graviola (Annona muricata). Graviola represents new hope for cancer patients, is stronger than chemotherapy and spares healthy cells – as experts say. 

  Growing in North and South America, this herb is evergreen and has excellent taste. Its flavor is similar to a fruit yogurt - say people who have tried the taste of graviola. The whole herb has healing potential from the root until the fruit. From its leaves people long ago have made ​​tea, which they used to treat liver problems and diabetes. In Africa, this herb is used today as analgesics and as an effective cure for pediatric fever.

  This healing herbhas been neglected until recent research revealing that Graviola (Annona muricata) is an excellent anticancer drug. Scientists believe that it is almost 10 000 times stronger than classic chemotherapy, destroys cancer cells and spares healthy ones, and establishes the normal function of the body. Graviola is an herb which has not any harmful effects on the body if is used normally. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and many other items that are of great benefit to your health.

  Graviola can be bought as a supplement, and for the dosage is recommended that you consult with your pharmacist. It is important to emphasize that graviola is a plant that still needs various tests and examinations from the experts. Let's hope that future studies will confirm the anticancer effect of this herb, and will bring new hope to those suffering from the plague of the 21st century.


  A certain foodinthe Western worldis consideredas a carcinogen. Asa result of that, itis recommendedfor people to apply theanticancer diet”.
Thisdietconsistsprimarilyofvegetables(vegetables andgrains) accompanied byolive(canola or flax-seed) oil, organicbutter, herbsandspices. Alsocome in considerationmeatandeggs,andthere is also alistoffoods thatcanhelp fightcancer:


 Reducesthe growthofnewbloodvesselsneededfortumor growthandmetastasis. Japanesegreentea(Sencha, Gyokuro, Matcha, etc.) ismore efficient thanChinesegreentea.


tis the strongestnaturalanti-inflammatorytoday. It also helpsin the developmentofapoptosisincancer cellsandinhibitangiogenesis. It is determinedthatimproves the efficiencyof chemotherapyand reducestumor growth. It is importanttoknowthat tobeabsorbedby the bodykurkummustbe mixedwithblackpepper. The idealis tohavesolutionsinoil (Malinois oil, flax-seedorcanola).

Itacts asa powerfulanti-inflammatoryandantioxidant. It also helpsinthe reductionofthe creationofnew bloodvessels. Infusionofgingeralsohelps reducenauseaanddifficultiesthat occurafterchemotherapyorradiotherapy.

Garlic, onions, leeks

component thathasthisfamily ofvegetablesreducesthecarcinogeniceffectofnitrosaminesand N-Nitro componentsthatare createdinroastmeatorin the process of tobacco burning.Encourage thedeathofcancercellsin theintestine, breast, lungandprostate, as well as in leukemia.

Vegetablesandfruitsrich incarotenoids
Carrots, potatoes, sweetpotatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, peaches, beets, andotherfruitsandvegetableswithbrightcolors(orange, red, yellow, green) contain vitaminA andlycopene, whichhaveproven abilitytoinhibitthecell growthof certain typesofcancer, some of whichare quiteaggressive.


It has been proventhatlycopenewhichis found intomatoescontributes tosurvivalinpatientswithprostate cancerwhoconsumedtomato sauceat leasttwicea week. It is importanttorememberthat toreleaselycopenefromtomatoestheyfirst needtobe cooked. Theirabsorptionin the humanbodyboosts by oliveoil.

Shiitake, Maitake, ENOC-they all containpolysaccharidesandlentinianthatstimulate thereproductionand activityof immunecells.Thesemushroomsare commonlyusedin Japanas an adjunct tochemotherapytoimprovethe immunesystem.

Herbs and spices                  
 Herbs such as rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil and mint induce apoptosis in cancer cells and reduce their speed of propagation by blocking enzymes that are needed to penetrate neighboring tissues . Carnosol founded in rosemary is also a powerful antioxidant and antiinflamator . It has proven its ability to increase the effectiveness of certain chemotherapeutic agents. Parsley and celery contain apigenin , anti-inflammatory that promotes apoptosis and blocks angiogenesis.

Omega 3amino acids that are found infishreduceinflammation. Incellcultures,theyreducecell growthin a number oftumors(lung, breast, colon, prostate, liver, etc.). Theyalsoaffecttheprevention oftheoccurrenceofmetastases.

Foods richin selenium               
Seleniumis atrace elementfound insoil. Vegetables andgrainsgrownon organicwayalsocontain largequantitiesofselenium. Seleniumstimulatescellsof the immunesystem, especiallyNKcells.


Recentlyhas been demonstratedthata certain amountofvitaminDsignificantlyreduces the riskof developing certaintypesofcancer. SkincellsproducevitaminDwhen exposedto sunlight, butin the bodycanbealso input viatablets.

  - Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries-

Containellagicacidanda numberof poly-phenols. Theystimulatethe processof eliminationofcarcinogenicsubstancesandinhibitangiogenesis
Darkchocolate(chocolate that containsmorethan 70% cocoa) contains a numberofantioxidants, poly-phenolsandproanthocyanidins. Thesemoleculesslow downthe growthof cancer cellsandlimitangiogenesis. It is importantto know thatmixingchocolatewithmilkproducts, annul the effect thatthe moleculesofcocoahave indarkchocolate. Thereforeyou shouldavoidconsumptionofchocolatemilk.